Release Information
Release Information
My child may be released to the following people. I understand that if an individual is not listed below and would like to pick up your child, we will not release your child to this individual without notice. Please provide the school with adequate notice if someone else needs to pick up your child. The teachers will sign your child in and out of school each day. Each person listed will receive carpool tags that must be displayed in the car.
Name Relationship 1.  * 
Name Relationship 2.  * 
Name Relationship 3.  * 
Name Relationship 4.  * 
Name Relationship 5.  * 
Name Relationship 6.  * 
By Typing My First and Last Name and Date-I am signing this document electronically and agree that any and all changes that need to be made, I will contact Stacey Purcell, the Preschool Director. Parent Name/Electronic Signature:  * 
Your Email Address  * 
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